Saturday, December 7, 2013

Tis' The Season: Holiday Food

We all know, that the best part about the holidays, is the food. We all eat loads and loads of food. Most of the food you eat though, is the usual stuff. Am I right? Well, how about we turn the boring usual into something cute & unique!

Marshmallow Snowmen

Click HERE for Ingredients List & Instructions on how to make these cute marshmallow snowmen!
It'd me cute to add little hats, some buttons, and a scarf made out of fruit roll-ups!
Marshmallow Snowflakes

Click HERE for EASY How-to steps. You could even decorate these with food coloring or other edible decorations.

S'Mores Pizza! :D

Alrighty! I have saved the best for last! S'Mores Pizza! This is definitely one of my favorites. I know it isn't exactly holiday food, but whether you're throwing a party, or planning a date on the couch with the bf, you'll love this pizza. <----- Click PIZZA for the steps! :D

I hope these few foods help you decide what you need to make! Hope you enjoy them! Let me know how YOURS turned out when you attempted them, or if you have any favorite holiday foods, by sending me a comment! (Check Sidebar!) ------->


  1. some yummy food ! xx
