Tuesday, December 10, 2013

7 Ways To Stay Warm!

I know it's not winter, but it has been very very cold. Especially where I live. It's usually always cold, but it's EXTREMELY cold for my area.

I thought I would give you some tips on how to stay warm! (This was requested)

{1} Use Hand warmers/ Toe Warmers. You can purchase these at Costco & they really do work.
{2} Wear knitted head bands. When you wear knitted headbands, make sure they cover the tips of your ears. 95% of your body heat escaped through your head & feet.
{3} Wear Uggs or similar boots. You want shoes that are thick enough that the heat your feet have built up doesn't escape.
{4} Wear Pullover sweatshirts rather than zip up. This is because most pullovers have a pocket that goes all the way through. This way, both hand warmers are heating up both hands.
{5} Drink tea, hot chocolate, coffee, or hot apple cider (hot apple juice works the same) Warm drinks actually do heat you up.
{6} Cuddle up with a blanket & a good book in front of a fireplace/heater.
{7} Wear fuzzy socks and/or slipers

I know some of these sound like no-brainers, but HEY! It's what works best for me! Hope you enjoyed & be sure to tell me what your favorite ways to stay warm are, by leaving me a comment!

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