Friday, January 10, 2014

Blogger Interview - Olivia Foster!

Hello Girls! So, the other day, when I got on to my email, I saw an email from this girl named Olivia Foster. She was wanting me to do an Interview Swap with her! Before I explain what an interview swap is, I just want to say, I LOVE getting emails, so even if you just want to say Hi, feel free to email me at any time!

Okay, so an Interview Swap is simple.

Olivia picked 5 questions. She asked me them & she gave me her answers. Then, I picked 5 questions & did the same.

Here, I have her Answers & to see mine, you will need to go to her blog {ItsOliviaFoster}!

Let's get started!

Question One
Why did you start blogging? After sticking around the Internet for a while a soon realized that some of my favourite people have blogs! I started searching up blogs, and then clicking on tons of blog buttons and I decided that soon it was time for me to get my own one!

Question Two
Who are your top three bloggers to read and top three YouTubers to watch? My top three bloggers would have to be Danielle from Kanielemegumi, Zoe from Zoella and Charlotte from Sharlotte. For YouTubers I would pick Jackie from Jackie Wyres, Tyler from Tyler Oakley and Ingrid from MissGlamorazzi.

Question Three
Why is your blog name what it is right now? Well, I honestly couldn't think of a good blog name so I just used my full name instead to save me from the trouble!

Question Four
If you WiFi didn't exist what would you do? Errh, obviously try to be the first to invent WiFi!

Question Five
If your life was a movie, what movie would it be and why? It would probably be a comedy, I'm going to be real my life is hilarious! I have such good friends! We take pictures in class and then post them on Instagram we eat and drink in class when we aren't supposed to and we cheat sometimes in tests! WOW, I made myself sound like a great person! LOL!

Question Six
Who is you inspiration? I have so many for different reasons so I can't really name just one!

Question Seven
If you could go back in time to see your ancestors, or into the future, to see your grandchildren, which would you choose? I would see my ancestors because, if you wait, you will soon see your grandchildren, but you are almost never going back to the past!

Question Eight
Do you believe in supernatural creatures? I believe in aliens, I believe in ghosts, but I only believe ghosts as a kind spirit, not some one who will haunt you.

Question Nine
If you could date any person - dead or alive - who would it be? Uhm, I don't really know to be honest! I was never the child to have crushes and I still don'!

Question Ten
If you could shape-shift, who or what, would you become? I would want to become a swan, because it can fly and swim, so I could fly and see what it would be like and I could also swim underwater forever! That would be pretty awesome!

That's all! Thank you Olivia, for choosing me to do this with you! I had a lot of fun doing it, especially with coming up with my 5 questions!


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